Today in class we took a look at the differences between faculty and student body. As we learned through Grace's article, he divides these into different categories. Faculty, student government, student body, and student champions. We were asked in class where we would place these on a totem pole. As one student stated, the totem pole should read Faculty, student champions, student government, lastly student body. Although many may disagree, I couldn't agree more. I feel that student champions have a upper-hand in some situations. Take athletes for example, although they don't need to say much it is their actions that speak louder than words. I feel that a lot of the student body puts the champions on a pedestal above the student government because they are able to see first-hand what the champions do. Whereas, the student government is more behind closed doors. I thought that it was very interesting to learn that part of my tuition money is actually going to the ASMSU. To be honest, I really don't have to much knowledge on what they do for me and my fellow students.
Another activity we did in class was being assigned a member of one of these categories and drawing their stereotypical self. I thought it was very amusing how most of the drawings were dead on. I feel that stereotyping is something that is never going to die out. Even though it is something that as a society we talk about diminishing, I think if anything is going to get worse, especially with all the new shows on television and the people we read about in magazines.
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