Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lunch with a Purpose

This past week I was assigned to do my show and tell. I thought it was appropriate to bring up Lunch with a Purpose since we were discussing leadership in the community. T.J. Duckett is someone that graduated from State and ended up in the NFL. After recently retiring from the NFL, T.J. is dedicating a lot of time giving back to the community. One of his projects is lunch with a purpose. My roommates and I went one of the weeks, and I have to say that it was an awesome experience. I think that by just simply giving up an hour out of your week to help out those in need is something everyone should consider. I think that T.J. exemplified servant leader characteristics. I think that he is a good model to other members of the community. He has paved a path for himself, and continues to pave ways for more opportunities. He has aligned goals and his oppurtunites and has put them to good use. His organizations have empowered many to become more involved in their own community.

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